How to watch

Instructions for watching films free of charge

Short films from the platform database can be viewed free of charge. Choose the film you want to see and select the option “Watch film”.

Instructions for watching fee-based films

1) Choose the film you want to see

2) Click on the film’s subpage and on the player in the upper right corner select the option RENT

3) Sign into Vimeo

If you do not have a Vimeo user account, you will need to register. You can register with your Facebook or Google account or by entering your e-mail address.

4) Enter your credit card details or pay with your PayPal account

5) click on the option RENT

6) After finalizing payment, click on the option WATCH NOW or simply close that entire window and the film will be ready for viewing.

Instructions for watching films free of charge using a promotional code

Certain fee-based films can be watched free of charge using a promo code.

Using the promo code

1) Follow the steps 1 – 3 from the Instructions for watching fee-based films

2) Click on the option RENT → APPLY PROMO CODE

3) Introduce the promo code that you have → APPLY → CONTINUE

4) After the code has been applied, click on the option WATCH NOW or just close that entire window. The film is ready for viewing.

Notice: For watching films free of charge, you do not have to share your credit card details.

Short films on the platform are free and available for viewing from anywhere in the world. Feature films are fee-based, while the territories in which they are available are listed on each film’s subpage!